Pope Francis urges more international action on migrants
Pope Francis has called on Europe and the international community to do more to tackle the rising number of migrants making desperate and often deadly journeys across the Mediterranean.
- 18 April 2015
- From the section Africa
BBC1 Breakfast
BBC1 Breakfast
Jules Wyman
Life Coach

The Lost Gardens of Heligan
A Creative Adventure

The Lost Gardens of Heligan
A Creative Adventure
The Lost Gardens of Heligan, 115 years in The Wilderness
British Government Political and Legal Justice System 115 Years in The Wilderness
British Government Racecourse and Horseracing System 115 Years in The Wilderness

BBC1 6.00am 9.15am
A warm welcome to all:
A warm welcome to all:
Stephanie McGovern and Roger Johnson
Our Carol brings us the likely weather.
Frost in places early, areas of cloud, sunny spells, chilly winds.
British political system, to include the present general election system, legal justice system, accountancy system, banking system, racecourse system, and horseracing government system, all are ripping off the British people right, left and centre, big time, these ancient systems have left horseracing financially ripped off ongoing over the last 6 decades. Causing poverty, homelessness and shocking hardship to other people’s daily lives to include the horses.
Human Rights to include the female of the species.
How tax payers to include female tax payers, hard earned cash is being misspent by conservative male government parties, Cameron, Osborne and Duncan-Smith.
True British and Irish bloodhorse literate achievers male and female have been left to prop up British and Irish horseracing for over 6 decades for peanuts. A horseracing industry that government state is a multi- billion pound British horseracing industry. What we have been subjected to, a massive male government rip-off left ongoing over the last 6 decades. No government or colluded male governments have the right to financially rip-off the true bloodhorse literate achievers, to deny a true career structure for the young ones, and a true wage structure for skills achieved.
There is nothing right, reasonable or fair about the poor and vulnerable called by British conservative government to pay off rich man’s debts. The British people deserve the right to call government parties to account when needs be, like right now due to the unsatisfactory financially greedy attitude of Cameron, Osborne and Duncan-Smith. These three sinister men need removing from political office, never to be allowed to trash the lives of the British people ever again.
The Andrew Marr Show
BBC1. 9.00am to 10.00am
"Key stories of the week and interviews with politicians and celebrities. "
Prime Minister David Cameron joins the presenter in the studio. "

The Big Questions
BBC1. 10.00am to 11.00am
Nicky Campbell hosts a series of moral, ethical and religious debates.
Sunday Politics
BBC1. 11am to 12.15pm
The week's events on the general election campaign trail
presented by Andrew Neil
Peter Henley 11.35am
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