A warm welcome to all:
present by Naga Munchetty and Charlie Stayt
Our Carol brings us the latest on the weather.
Colder, sunny spells, unsettled, heavy rain in places...

A supreme court ruling on Thursday
Thursday 26 March 2015 19.22 GMT Rob Evans and Robert Booth
"David Cameron has admitted defeat after the government lost a 10-year battle with the Guardian to keep secret a “particularly frank” cache of lobbying letters written by Prince Charles.
BBC2 12.00 - 1.00pm
Presented by Jo Coburn and Andrew Neil.http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00ly0k7
10 things that Prince Charles wrote letters about
· 13 May 2015
· From the sectionMagazine
"Prince Charles's letters to Labour ministers from a decade ago have been released after lengthy legal battle. Here are 10 things they have revealed."
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-32723652 "Prince Charles's letters to Labour ministers from a decade ago have been released after lengthy legal battle. Here are 10 things they have revealed."
"In the letters he discusses issues he has long been known to be interested in - including the plight of dairy farmers, climate change and architecture - but he also covered a number of other topics. "
1. "The issue of Lynx helicopters performing poorly in high temperatures was brought up with then Prime Minister Tony Blair. The prince suggested the slow speed with which they were being replaced arose out of pressure on the defence budget. "I fear that this is just one more example of where our Armed Forces are being asked to do an extremely challenging job (particularly in Iraq) without the necessary resources."

A supreme court ruling on Thursday
Thursday 26 March 2015 19.22 GMT
"David Cameron has admitted defeat after the government lost a 10-year battle with the Guardian to keep secret a “particularly frank” cache of lobbying letters written by Prince Charles.
"Following a supreme court ruling on Thursday that 27 letters between the heir to the throne and ministers must finally be published under the Freedom of Information Act, the “deeply disappointed” prime minister has told aides to prepare their release." http://www.theguardian.com/uk/prince-charles
JMC: David Cameron PM attempting to dishonestly change and pass new British laws to hide political, legal and horseracing government malpractice from the British electorate.
No law should be changed or any new law passed to suit only British government. This is intellectually dishonest and cheats the British electorate of all true reasoning when considering which party to vote for in any and all British elections. Making last Thursday's May 7th general election politically, legally, to include all horseracing government angles deliberately fraudulent, dishonest; rendering last weeks general election a dishonest "British Political Scam" therefore a void practice.
Hot on the heals of the above ....
David Cameron for the Conservative Party proposes to scrap the Human Rights Act.
The Independent
This has been condemned by the Scottish Government, which said the “appalling” move was likely to harm the country’s most vulnerable people.
JMC: Human Rights mean Human Rights. At present we only have very feeble, miserable
"Male Human Rights" - "Totally Incompetent Male Wrongs". This can never be acceptable anywhere in the world today.
JMC: The European Court Of Justice awarded on appeal to William Hill Bookmakers against the British Horseracing Government. (called BHB at the time)
The European Court of Justice, William Hill Bookmakers and British Horseracing Government are all bloodhorse illiterate, the ruling given here was a bloodhorse illiterate ruling, a fake ruling.
Today No law should be changed or any new law passed to suit only British government. This is intellectually dishonest and cheats the British electorate of all true reasoning when considering which party to vote for in any and all British elections. Making last Thursday's May 7th general election politically, legally, to include all horseracing government angles deliberately fraudulent, dishonest; rendering last weeks general election a dishonest "British Political Scam" therefore a void practice.
Hot on the heals of the above ....
David Cameron for the Conservative Party proposes to scrap the Human Rights Act.
The Independent
This has been condemned by the Scottish Government, which said the “appalling” move was likely to harm the country’s most vulnerable people.
"On his first day in the job, the new Scottish Secretary David Mundell provoked a serious row between Holyrood and Westminster by suggesting that any change in legislation would have to be adopted north of the border.
"The Tories want to replace the Human Rights Act with a new British Bill of Rights, giving UK judges and the Westminster parliament the “final say” on human rights issues instead of Strasbourg. If the changes go ahead, the European Court’s judgments would be treated as “advisory” rather than binding in the future."
"The Tories want to replace the Human Rights Act with a new British Bill of Rights, giving UK judges and the Westminster parliament the “final say” on human rights issues instead of Strasbourg. If the changes go ahead, the European Court’s judgments would be treated as “advisory” rather than binding in the future."
JMC: Human Rights mean Human Rights. At present we only have very feeble, miserable
"Male Human Rights" - "Totally Incompetent Male Wrongs". This can never be acceptable anywhere in the world today.
JMC: The European Court Of Justice awarded on appeal to William Hill Bookmakers against the British Horseracing Government. (called BHB at the time)
The European Court of Justice, William Hill Bookmakers and British Horseracing Government are all bloodhorse illiterate, the ruling given here was a bloodhorse illiterate ruling, a fake ruling.
The Court of Appeal has applied the ruling of the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") in the long-standing dispute between the British Horseracing Board Ltd (called BHB at the time) and the William Hill Bookmaking Organization Ltd.
Round 3: Questions answered(?)
On November 9, 2004, the European Court of Justice resolved these questions - but not in BHB’s favor. Specifically, the Court ruled that while Article 7(1) of the Directive will protect a database maker’s investment in obtaining the contents of a database, it will not protect an investment in creating those same contents."
BBC2 12.00 - 1.00pm
Presented by Jo Coburn and Andrew Neil.http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00ly0k7
JMC: A massive block of British people have lost interest in voting, due to the fact that they feel their vote won’t make any difference. As panned out to be a true reality last week with UKIP who achieved 4 million votes, yet only one seat. In Britain we don’t have a true political, legal and horseracing governing system. We are all being stitched up by an ancient evil government system not fit for purpose.
BBC1 11.45pm - 12.30am
A warm welcome to all.
Andrew Neil, presents round-table chat in which
Andrew Neil, presents round-table chat in which
he, Michael Portillo and his guest take a light- hearted look at the political week after the general election.
Guest: Michael Denzil Xavier Portillo is a British journalist, broadcaster,
and former Conservative Party politician and Cabinet Minister
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