Since May 7, last Thursday's General Election 2015
The Big Questions
BBC2. 10.00am to 11.00am
Nicky Campbell hosts "Has human rights' law achieved more
for mankind than religion? " . Debate from Warrington.
JMC: True Human Rights belong to all living creatures, the two legged variety
and the four legged variety, to include racehorses in training.

J Margaret Clarke Turfcall Factfile
British horseracing, is being trashed and has been trashed every day over the last 6 decades by political, legal, and horseracing government fraud.
The Andrew Marr Show
BBC1. 9.00am to 10.00am
"Key politicians discuss what the general election result means for the UK."
interviews with key politicians and celebrities. "
The Big Questions
BBC2. 10.00am to 11.00am
Nicky Campbell hosts "Has human rights' law achieved more
for mankind than religion? " . Debate from Warrington.
JMC: True Human Rights belong to all living creatures, the two legged variety
and the four legged variety, to include racehorses in training.
Female. human rights are different, from male human rights for obvious reasons.
Dreadful cruelty to animals is breaking human rights worldwide.
Mother Teresa Calcutta
The late Mother Teresa worked on the pavements, and in the gutters of Calcutta picking up broken people from the gutter, close to death. People being eaten alive by maggots.
dreadful cruelty burdened upon other people, meaning sever human rights breach worldwide.
Dreadful cruelty to animals is breaking human rights worldwide.
Mother Teresa Calcutta
The late Mother Teresa worked on the pavements, and in the gutters of Calcutta picking up broken people from the gutter, close to death. People being eaten alive by maggots.
dreadful cruelty burdened upon other people, meaning sever human rights breach worldwide.
Sunday Politics
BBC1. 1.30pm to 2.45pm
presented by Andrew Neil and
Peter Henley

J Margaret Clarke Turfcall Factfile
BBC1 Breakfast
BBC1 Breakfast
Jules Wyman
Life Coach

The Lost Gardens of Heligan
Horseracing holds or should hold a Creative Copyright
A Creative Adventure. A Creative Sport.

The Lost Gardens of Heligan
Horseracing holds or should hold a Creative Copyright
A Creative Adventure. A Creative Sport.
The Lost Gardens of Heligan, 75 years in The Wilderness.
British male political, legal and horseracing government 75 years in the wilderness.
British horseracing is owned, or should be owned by a "Creative Copyright" provided every day by the people who work with the owners racehorses placed "In Training" . It is this
"In Training" part that government and some bloodhorse illiterate owners fail to recognise.
Handling, riding and minding racehorses in training
is a highly skilled work of art.
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