A warm welcome to all:
presented by Sally Nugent and Roger Johnson
The charade behind a 2017 EU referendum
"The date earmarked for the referendum, 2017, is however not only impractical but indeed impossible, this is if he really does want to present to the public the results of his proposed renegotiations..
Work in Progress
JMC: EU: Danger about Cameron's present involvement for Britain within the EU, looking in once in a while, when it suits, sometime, never, in secret. It appears that at this present EU stage, whatever this stage actually is, we are not told.
The present picture emerging within the British political, legal and horseracing government who appear to go about their daily business mainly in secret. Without any true knowledge of what they are talking about, or attempting to achieve. As is the case found ongoing over the last 7 decades within the British bloodhorse illiterate horseracing government.
For the British to work together within the EU, to aim to develop a daily teamwork direction of what's what, and who's who, on a daily basis to find the best direction, the best way forward together. It would be a disaster if Cameron’s bloodhorse illiteracy broke up, shattered, all the goodwill, good work carefully built since 1974 by Clive Brittain and many other top professional bloodhorse literate horsemen, for British and International Horseracing. The massive achievements already gained through this sport, need to be carefully protected by the bloodhorse literate, from Cameron, Osborne and Duncan-Smith’s the bloodhorse illiterate government parties, as do all things relating to British agriculture and the breeding and selling of all animals that enter the food chain. Agriculture a massive area that has suffered shocking government abuse over the last 7 decades, along with horseracing, same.
Since the general election on May 7, now two weeks on we hear nothing from the new Tory government, no preview aims to be attempted over the first six months. Nothing. Is this considered to be the time when the electorate are expected to put-up and shut-up come what may, or may not, be the case? Suffer in silence sort of stuff? Or be seen, but definitely not heard maybe, until the next general election in five years time? A very vague set-up surely, to suit whom? The British political, legal and horseracing government? A British horseracing government who can't tell one end of a horse from the other. A government who is unable to ask a horse to go from A to B without smashing it over the head with a whip. "You cannot be serious" as John McEnroe would say.
Nicola Sturgeon: Scottish National Party (SNP)
Nigel Farage United Kingdom Independent Party. (UKIP)
Leanne Wood: Welsh Independent Party: (WIP)
Natalie Bennett: Green Independent Party (GIP)

The Andrew Marr Show
BBC1. 9.00am to 10.00am
"Round-up of the week's stories, featuring interviews with key figures
and leafing through the Sunday papers. "
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