Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Sacred Sunday March 1, 2015.

Team (Clive) Brittain Newmarket 
BBC1 6.00am 9.15am
A warm welcome to all:
Sian Lloyd and Christian Fraser
Breaking News,  key info, and guests.
Our Carol,": The weather is all over the shop"
Much colder, frost, rain, wind, sunny spells. 


Sophie Raworth in the saddle this morning.
BBC1  9.00 am - 10.00 am
Marr hands the reins over to Raworth this morning
Round -up of the week's stories.
The Papers:
Key interviews today:
Guest: Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper Labour

Guest: Cardinal Vincent Nichols.
"The people, the human person, the wellbeing of the living in our country attention for the common good."
http://rcdow.org.uk/cardinal/biography/ http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/damianthompson/100260700/meet-vincent-nichols-our-bland-new-cardinal/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/10639015/New-Cardinal-Vincent-Nichols-welfare-cuts-frankly-a-disgrace.html
Guest: Singer Rebecca Ferguson.

British Security Service

Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead

Prince William attempting to tackle China's cruelty failing to understand that "Animal's Have Human Rights."


BBC1 11.00 am to 12.15 pm
A warm welcome to presenter Andrew Neil and  Guest: Nigel Farage UKIP
Including 11.35 am Regional Reports presented by Peter Henley.

BBC1 Daily Politics 12.00pm to 1.00pm Monday March 2,
Suggestions for Jo Coburn:
  The electorate to be given the power to stop politicians when needs be.
Jo suggests: Using a  red and yellow card system.
JMC: British Electorate Power To The People the Issue of the Right to use a “ British Electorate Power  Right”. (BEPR)

A power for the people to sack politicians: EG: In this ‘Term’ evidence shows the following shocking state of affairs as identified see here Issue 1, 2, 3.  

EG: Issue 1. The Rt Hon David Cameron failing to honour his manifesto focus issues made for this present in practice term 2010 to 2015 between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, voted to be a coalition term.  Bearing in mind that the electorate are the ones left to suffer the consequences of failed government practice performance; as well as the likelihood this may happen again in May.

EG.  Issue 2: Bully Boy tactics:  Rt Hon David Cameron (Conservative) pushing the Rt Hon Nick Clegg (Liberal Democrats) out of his way and taking over for himself, not for the electorate.

EG.  Issue 3: The present Prime Ministers Question Time: Found to be a ‘Politician’s Punch and Judy Show’ believed by many to be disrespectful behaviour to the electorate, many of whom are having to struggle to live through severe hardship. Many British people left suffering over the last 6 decades due to failed government practice, left to work and to exist on a mean government pittance.  Out of touch politicians.

British Government state there are 9 million tenants, but most are being badly let down by landlords.  Tenants with no government backing to sort evil landlords out.

Suggestion on Housing that allows families to join a scheme to:  ”Rent To Buy” their home.

Landlords are not honouring tenants’ rights to decent maintenance standards. Tenants keep putting rents up, whilst refusing to honour their maintenance commitments.

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