The Right Honourable Nick Clegg PM ??? Where is Nick in all of this ???
JMC: Surely this one fact alone spells out a strong message of warning to the British electorate
David Cameron PM immigration speech in full:
By Ian Dunt Friday, 28 November 2014 9:39 AM 0
David Cameron PM Immigration speech
Nigel Farage UKIP responds:
11.54: Nigel Farage: David Cameron should have said sorry for letting so many people come to Britain in the first place.
Nigel Farage told Radio 5 Live: "I watched every single word of it, I was a bit surprised, I was expecting to hear the word sorry."
"What we are seeing is the Prime Minister playing catch up, that is what he does."
He added: "it has taken him ten years to recognise what we are talking about namely that in-work benefits don't work."
Mr Farage says the Prime Minister should not have said the word "control" in his speech without promising to reform freedom of movement.
He added on Twitter: " "Yes, Mr Cameron *does* owe the British people an apology for his broken promise on net migration. He was asked for one today. He dodged."
JMC: Absolutely, yes, yes, yes, Mr Cameron has shown us that it is not only Mr Clegg that he objects to, but all the rest of the British people put together as well, bar the rich, which includes himself because he is very rich himself.
Mr Cameron’s speech shows clearly why he can never be trusted as well. In his own words he portrayed himself clearly as a person who has no interest whatsoever in anyone else’s life and times, bar his own. He wouldn't get on too well if he was given a ride on Boxing Day in the King George VI Chase. No racehorse in training would put up with Mr Cameron in the saddle for long. Racehorses in training able to get rid of Mr Cameron much faster than the two legged variety. That's for sure.
ANDREW NEIL brings together many interesting people involved in the European Union already. But the 12th President of the European Union Jean-Claud Juncker describes a stagnant union without any true life. That figures because that is what British government have been getting away with doing to the sport of British horseracing ongoing over the last 6 decades.
Getting to know you ...
J Margaret Clarke Turfcall Factfile
A week of British political concerns.
Sunday November 30, to Sunday December 7.
Mr Cameron PM. Immigration Speech
Quote: Mr Cameron says “When I think about what makes me proud to be British yes, it is our history, our values, our creativity, our compassion but there is something else too.”
JMC: You are proud are you? Of the horrific mess male government have allowed British people to struggle to exist in. The huge daily burdens you have placed upon other people’s backs. The money you have stolen, earned by other people. You are proud of this?
And how the fall out has, and will effect horseracing around the world. A global sport without any true sport rules.
False British government theory that makes-up a “Minimum Wage” from hell
False British government theory that makes-up a “Benefit System” from hell.
Has false male British government theory come back to kick out the people who set it up?
An adventure journey into the “European Union” what will we find?
11.00am to 12.10pm.
Plus 11.35 local reports.
BBC2 9.00pm 10.00pm Great Continental Railway Journeys
Michael Portillo takes us on a journey to the Holy Land to-night
5/6 Series 3 Michael Portillo ventures beyond Europe to explore the Holy Land. His journey begins in Haifa in Israel, where he learns to cook a middle Eastern- style takeaway, then in bustling Tel Aviv he explores the roots of Israel’s modern- day conflict with Palestine . In Jerusalem he gets a glimpse of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, believed to mark the spot where Jesus was crucified, and visits the Jews’ venerated Western Wall. Crossing to the West Bank, Michael pays a visit to Bethlehem and then the Dead Sea, where he enjoys a buoyant swim, before ending his journey in the town of Beersheba, nestled in the forbidding Negev desert.”
The British Coalition Government? Where is it?
Taking a closer look at the Right Honourable David Cameron Prime Minister for the "BOYS" Conservative Party EU Immigration Speech.
The Right Honourable Nick Clegg Prime Minister for the "BOYS" for the Liberal Party. What would Nick Clegg have chosen to give a speech about for his Liberal Party? Would it have been a focus on the EU Immigration? Or would it have been a different focus altogether? Like total and complete reform of the British Legal Justice System. To open up and provide true justice for everyone.
Calling for the Liberal Party Prime Minister the Right Honourable Nick Clegg back to where he truly belongs. After being shoved out of the way over the last 5 years by Conservative Party Prime Minister "Bully Boy" the Right Honourable David Cameron. There is nothing Right about David Cameron, as neither is there anything Honourable about David Cameron. What do you think?